Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Digital Portfolios" by Elizabeth Hartnell Young and Maureen Morriss

I just got this book today! It look like a very straight forward and direct approach to using eportfolios. I will review it soon.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Becta eportfolio video

JISC eportfolio wiki

I came across this JISC eportfolio wiki today, it contains some interesting video on the topic of eportfolios

Monday, May 31, 2010

Simon Grant

Simon Grant is one of the key UK writers and developers in the area of eportfolios. He particularly interested in how eportfolios support the development of personal values. His web page is full of interesting stuff

Monday, May 10, 2010

eportfolio camtasia screencast

I made this camtasia screencast of a presentation I made in February on eportfolios.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Book review: The educational potential of eportfolios

I have just finished reading "The Educational Potential of Eportfolios" by Lorraine Stefani, Robin Mason & Chris Pegler. All I can say is "wow", this book ties together the major issues around the use and development of eportfolios as an assessment method, a learning process and a showcase tool.

The book examines some key themes such as an eporfolio as a tool for learning and reflection. How to design courses that embed eportfolios as a learning method and as a formative and summative assessment.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Becta study

This Becta study on the impact of eportfolios on learning was one of the first things I read on the topic. It examines the impact that e-portfolios can have on learners in schools, further education, higher education and work-based learning. Some of its key findings include:

-e-portfolios benefit learning most effectively when considered as part of a joined-up teaching and learning approach, rather than as a discrete entity. The approach should include online repositories, planning and communication tools, and opportunities for both students and teachers to draw out and present e-portfolios at particular times and for particular purposes. There is then likely to be substantial impact on both learning processes and learning outcomes.
-e-portfolio processes support both pastoral or social needs and curriculum outcomes
-e-portfolio processes and tools for organisation and communication support the learning outcomes of students with a wide range of abilities
-e-portfolios make progress and attainment more obvious to both teachers and students, because viewing and revisiting the repository of work reveals development, achievements, strengths and weaknesses
-Some learners in all age ranges find that software that includes structured processes and organisational tools scaffolds their learning until they are confident enough to progress to working independently
-Although some institutions are working together across phases to use e-portfolios to support transition, teachers and learners rarely consider the nature of a ‘lifelong’ e-portfolio repository and how this might be managed

Read the full report here:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Learning Forum London 2010

Im thinking about submitting a paper to the Learning Forum in London. This is a major eportfolio and key skills conference. Im thinking about "Portfolio assessment: The learner perspective" Deadline is the end of March.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

eportfolio delicious book marks

I have just started a delicious account to compile eportfolio weblinks, have a look at the live feed on the sidebar or here is the link

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eportfolio feedback survey

I have just created a feedback survey on for the first group that have completed the mahara eportfolio. I will post the results when they come in. One thing I am really interested in knowing is whether the learners think that electronic portfolios are superior to traditional paper portfolios?


I am very keen on Mahara at the moment. I have been using Mahara for about three weeks with a few different classes and so far so good. It is intutive, usable and visually pleasing.